Zoom (Online) Class

Link provided by email before your first class,
Please see venue notes for further details of how to access the class,
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Zoom instructions

1. Download zoom here: (better on a computer, but a phone will do just fine)

2. Create a free (basic) account.

3. Shortly after you make a booking you will receive an email with a meeting ID link and a password. Please use this each week to access the class

4. Go to the app, click Join, enter the ID, and change your name for the name of the dancer, so the teacher can do the register.

5. Enter the password

6. Give access to your camera and microphone. For a better experience, set the screen to Speaker view (top right corner on your desktop version) and make sure it is full screen.

7. We will greet all the dancers, and at some point, the teacher will ask for everyone to mute their microphones. Please do so.

8. Make sure the angle of the camera allows for a full body view, so teacher can make technical corrections and avoid injuries in dancers.

9. Before the end of the lesson, the teacher will ask everyone to get the mics on again one last time.

Younger children may need help throughout the class to work the computer/ phone.

Please clear the space to move in and wear something comfortable to dance in.

For the safety of all our dancers, please do not record the class.

Classes running in Zoom (Online) Class